

We have the experience to guide clients towards a successful construction project through knowledge of the most suitable procurement routes. If engaged early by the End User/ Home Owner/ Architect we can provide strategy to procure the project successfully. The right procurement methodology can be vital to a project being a success. We consider all aspects of construction and examine any potential for savings, which might, include (but not limited to): innovation, prefabrication and modularisation opportunities, joint venture/ collaborative solutions, and incentivisation. All our advice is impartial. We can offer a tailored procurement strategy specific to the project and client needs. We can help clients achieve savings.

To the end Client, we can offer:

  • Impartial advice on the procurement routes available before tendering including the most appropriate method, dependant on time, cost and quality factors. Routes are traditional or design and build
  • Contractual advice including forms of contract
  • Contractor selection advice


For a Developer/ Main Contractor/ Builder, we can offer:

  • Subcontractor & Supplier Sourcing
  • Subcontractor Order template
  • Materials Purchase Order templates
  • Appropriate terms and conditions
  • Add value to your supply chain by adding companies we know and assisting with the procurement of sub-contractors and material suppliers)